The Doubletree Wedding Fair is located at the swish Doubletree by Hilton at Newcastle International Airport,Ponteland.
The event attracts 100s of local brides seeking quality wedding services for their big day. The next wedding fair is Sunday 3rd February 2013 12-4pm
The Hilton DoubleTree Newcastle Airport is located at the right hand side to the entrance to Newcastle International Airport & next to Metro Station. (2min walk). Travel ‘Green’ on the Metro Green Line.
This fabulous contemporary boutique hotel showcases some of the North Easts Finest Wedding suppliers.
A range of high quality exhibitors will be on hand to discuss your requirements in addition to the Hilton DoubleTree itself which has some fantastic facilities available for your wedding reception or accommodation.
Make a day of it,Fratellos Italian Restaurant and Columbus Bar on site offer lunch, snacks and drinks!
Enquiries: Tel 033 00 100 192 /07507 192 192